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Introductory Guide for Young People

You aren't alone my friend. Remember, there's a whole wide world of people ike you and me.

Anonymous, 2024 U.S. National Survey on the Mental Health of LGBTQ+ Young People

What are you looking for?

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Coming Out Information

Unsure how to define how you're feeling? Looking for more information on how to know if you're ready to come out? Check out this amazing handbook!

The Coming Out Handbook - The Trevor Project

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Have my parents/friends/family members understand

We created our Guide for Parents and Caregivers to start the process of becoming more affirming. It's a great place for them to start. We are also here to talk to you or your parents and caregivers for support!

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Looking for community groups for people like you? Check out our resources and events page!


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We have an abundance of resources to support you! Not seeing a resource that you need or you know of one missing from our page? Email or message us!

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Individual Therapy

Wanting to connect to an affirming therapist? Our partners are waiting to work with you!

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Something Else

Not seeing what you're looking for?? Contact us! Use the sign-up button or send us a message!

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